Véronique Vienne

The Self-Taught Design Critic. [...]

Véronique Vienne was a magazine art director in the USA when she began to write to better analyze and understand the work of the graphic designers, illustrators and photographers who collaborated with her.

Today she writes books and conducts workshops on design criticism as a creative tool.


Voir, regarder, apprécier : tout un programme. [...]

Véronique Vienne a été directrice artistique aux USA avant de commencer a écrire pour mieux comprendre ce que faisaient les graphistes, illustrateurs et photographes avec qui elle collaborait.

Aujourd’hui elle écrit des livres et anime des sessions de travail sur la critique du design graphique comme outil de création.

The Art of the Moment: Simple ways to get the most from life

With photographs by Ann Rhoney, published by Clarkson Potter (2002)

This collection of signature essays by Véronique Vienne delivers deceptively sweet truisms about the brevity of life, and how to make the most of our short attention span:

… Don’t wait for a second chance to get it right.

… Have serious conversations with seven-year-olds.

… Forget to mention that you were right in the first place.

… Always have a kind word for people with old dogs.

… Savor time’s hasty retreat: it’s such a sweet misery

… Look at the world as if you were a cat.